Sustainable Development in South Asia -
Women Driving Change |
22-25 November 2012
Development Alternatives World Headquarters
New Delhi
TARAgram Orchha
Madhya Pradesh
The Organisers | | | | | | Development Alternatives Established in 1982, Development Alternatives innovates and delivers eco-solutions for poverty reduction and environment regeneration. It also influences and spearheads major policy changes that look at sustainable development issues and empowerment of the marginalised. Website: www.devalt.org | | | | Partners | | | | | | The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) The Green Economy Coalition was founded in March 2009 in Switzerland and consists of members from the environment, development, business, labour and consumer sectors. It is hosted by IIED. The focus is on policy changes needed to transform the global economy into one that is clean, green and equitable. Website: www.greeneconomycoalition.org | | | | | | The International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED) IIED is an independent international research organisation working with some of the world's most vulnerable people to ensure that they have a say in policy arenas. Their mission is to build a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others. Website: www.iied.org | | | | | | The RING Alliance for Policy Research Institutions The Ring is an alliance of 13 policy research organisations promoting sustainable development through research, dissemination and policy advocacy. Founded in 1991, the goal of the Ring is to improve policy processes, and to increase the regional and local impact of organisations working on sustainable development issues. Website: www.ring-alliance.org | | | | | | The Nehru Memorial Museum & Library (NMML) NMML established in the memory of Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964) is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India, Located in the majestic Teen Murti House, the official residence of the first Prime Minister of India, it has four major constituents namely, a Memorial Museum, a Library on modern India, a Centre for Contemporary Studies and a Planetarium. Website: www.nehrumemorial.com | | | |
UNEP/GRID-Arendal is an official United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborating centre located in Arendal, Norway with out posted offices in Ottawa and Stockholm. GRID-Arendal’s mission is to provide environmental information, capacity building services and innovative communication tools, methodologies and products for information management and outreach. GRID-Arendal seeks to make credible, science-based knowledge understandable to the public and to decision-makers.
Website: www.grida.no
Established in 1936, ACC Limited is India’s foremost cement manufacturing company with a countrywide network of factories and marketing offices. A pioneer in cement and concrete technology, ACC is one of the first companies in the country to include environment protection as a corporate objective.
Website: www.acclimited.com
Heinrich Böll Foundation
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a non-profit organization striving to promote democracy, civil society, human rights, international understanding and a healthy environment internationally. The Heinrich Böll Foundation is affiliated with the German Green Party. Headquartered in Berlin.
Website: www.boell.org,
 | | Department of Science and Technology (DST) Set up in May 1971, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) works towards promoting new areas of Science and Technology and plays the role of a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting scientific and technology-related activities in the country. The Department has major responsibilities for specific projects and programmes. Website: www.dst.gov.in |
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