About TARAgram Yatra
TARAgram Yatra (TGY) is an annual flagship event of the Development Alternatives Group and its partners to deliberate on germane issues of sustainability. The Yatra – a journey that one undertakes along with friends and colleagues to attain higher goals brings together practitioners and policy makers from across the world. With a mix of dialogue and filed visits, the Yatra provides a platform for exchanging cutting edge ideas to achieve a sustainable future. The event provides leads for follow-up on policies and action at local, national and global levels.
The Journey So Far…
Initiated in the year 2010, Development Alternatives has so far successfully conducted 7 significant TARAgram Yatras.
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About Development Alternatives
Development Alternatives (DA) is a not-for-profit organisation set up especially to promote sustainable development. Over the past 30 years,
it has become widely recognised as a successful innovations organisation with a primary mission to create sustainable livelihood options in the developing world that can be replicated on a large scale.
Development Alternatives' belief in the power of enterprise and the utility of the market has led to the establishment of its own green businesses, designed to take low carbon,
resource efficient pathways to inclusive growth in areas such as rural housing, renewable energy, water management, sustainable agriculture, waste management and recycling from local to global scale.
In the field of institutional design, it has worked on the governance, information and financing systems needed to underpin sustainable development at the bottom of the pyramid.