Resource Efficiency and Green Transformation: Driving Change in Asia
 21-25 November 2011
Royal Plaza
New Delhi and
TARAgram Orchha
Madhya Pradesh
Development Alternatives Group
Established in 1982, Development Alternatives innovates and delivers eco-solutions for poverty reduction and environment regeneration. It also influences and spearheads major policy changes that look at sustainable development issues and empowerment of the marginalised.
DA Global Advisory Council
basin-South Asia Regional Knowledge Platform (basin-SA) is committed to “developing knowledge systems and promoting collaborative action within South Asia to enable access by the poor to sustainable habitat and livelihoods.”
The nation wide Community Led Environment Action Network (CLEAN) CLEAN-India programme works with school children and communities to make them environmentally aware and active.
An information dissemination network of DA which uses ICT to close the information gap
TARA is an affiliate of DA, delivering technologies designed by DA to the market
TARAhaat is India’s premiere ICT based social enterprise, dedicated to connecting the citizens of rural and small town India to the information, products and services they need.
TARA Machines markets green technology solutions for building construction, waste recycling and hand made paper production
TARA Akshar is a literacy programme teaching Hindi reading and writing in just 5 weeks
TARA Ecokiln - DA’s innovative vertical shaft technology can save 50% energy and carbon emissions.
DESI Power - renewable sources of energy for the rural poor.
Advocacy wing of the Development Alternatives Group.
DA Global
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